
Thursday, December 16, 2021

SharePoint On-premise (Tech Lead+) Interview Questions and Answers - 01

What are zones and what are the type of Zones in SharePoint?

Zones are the logical paths for accessing the same web application. For each web application, five zones can be created, and they are:
    • Default
    • Intranet
    • Extranet
    • Internet
    • Custom

What are the databases which are created when we install a SharePoint farm?

The Configuration, Central Administration Content, and Content databases are the three databases that are automatically installed when you deploy SharePoint Server.

Provide couple of Backup and restore best practices in SharePoint Server. 

  • Minimize latency between SQL Server and the backup location
  • Avoid processing conflicts
  • Keep databases small for faster recovery times
  • Use incremental backups for large databases
  • Follow SQL Server backup and restore optimization recommendations
  • Configure SharePoint settings to improve backup or restore performance
  • Consider site collection size when you determine the tools to use
Is it smart to have your backups on the C drive of your server where your SQL server instance is running?
  • No

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

SPFx Interview Questions and Answers - 01

What are isolated webparts?
How can you make a existing webpart as isloated webpart? 
How can we create site collection level app catalog

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

the debug executable "" specified in the "" debug profile does not exist Error in VB.Net


I got the "the debug executable "" specified in the "" debug profile does not exist Error in VB.Net" error when I teach VB.Net to some of the students. 


The Startup object which usually a form is missing from the project properties. So as the solution we will have to set the start up object. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Add SPFx webpart to full-width column

By default, SPFx web parts cannot added in full-width column page layouts. To do it, in the web part manifest (the *.manifest.json file next to the web part *.ts file) set the supportsFullBleed property to true.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

SPFx Routing is not reflecting in browser


I was trying to implement routing in my SharePoint Framework webpart. The webpart working fine but only the issue is the Hash url is not reflected in the browser. 

This is because if the isDomainIsolated  is set to true. When it is set to true the webpart is embedded into a iFrame. 


Change the isDomainIsolated into false in package-solution.json under config folder. 

"isDomainIsolated": false,

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Office Ui Fabric Pivot control Overflow issue in SPFx


office-ui-fabric-react is recommended to use with SharePoint Framework.

With the Office UI Fabric React there is a overflow issue in Pivot. The overflow doesn't work as expected. 

  • Install @fluentui/react-tabs 
    • npm -i @fluentui/react-tabs
  • Import the package to your React component 
    • import { Pivot, PivotItem } from '@fluentui/react-tabs';
  • Add overflow code to the Pivot 
    • overflowBehavior="menu"


Friday, August 27, 2021

SharePoint Framework (SPFx) starting points


In this blog post we will look at some basic SPFx ideas for a easy start on SPFx. These points can be changed according to the individual and I'm sharing these points based only on my own experience.