
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

How to add items to Choice field through Visual Studio 2012/2013


Unlike in Visual Studio 2010, we can create columns via user interface in Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013.

We may need to create column type as choice field or multiple choice and can add default values, so users can select the values from the items which we add. I will show how to add default items for choice field and multiple choice field.


Step 01:

Open the list and select Choice type.

image Step 02:

Exact Type in properties and click “…” near items. A window will open and you can add the items which you want to show when you deploy the list.




You can see the values after deploying the list.


1 comment:

  1. But what if you want to add the items for the list from an external data source?
